TEDxBloomington :
What Goes Round


Watch all talks here

Why don’t people conserve energy and water? | Shazeen Attari

We are all shapers of stone | Amy Brier

The power of better questions | Christian Briggs

The kitchen of tomorrow-er | Mike Flaherty

Forever and the nature of time | Christian Freitag

Talking Justice – using words and voice to make change | Mary Beth Gasman

Unconditional Love – Journey with our Transgender Child | Christy Hegarty

Illness has no poker face | Jeff Kline

From trash to the runway – creative reuse | Jeanne Leimkuhler

Sexuality & gender – straight & narrow or round & bouncy? | Danielle McClelland

A community safety net to prevent rampage shootings | Bernice Pescosolido

In the ring, led by the ring, or ringing the bell | David Quick

Building more than homes | Christopher Reinhart

Renewable energy from a different perspective | Jeremy Shere

Immigration is a gift to us all | Kathy Wills

See like an artist, think like a designer, feel like a human | T. Kelly Wilson

Written in Memory | Jeff Wolin

Our Esteemed Speakers

Shahzeen Attari

Title of Talk : Why don’t people conserve energy and water?

Shahzeen Attari is an assistant professor at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University where her research focuses on the psychology of resource consumption including the effects of real-time energy feedback, perceptions of water consumption, and factors that motivate action in social dilemmas. Shahzeen did her graduate studies at Carnegie Mellon University and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Earth Institute.

Amy Brier

Title of Talk : We are all shapers of stone

Amy is a local artist who specializes in limestone carving – including a form of interactive sculpture called a Roliquery – a spherical work of art that can be rolled in sand to create an artistic pattern. She is the founder and coordinator of the Indiana Limestone Symposium, and an Assistant Professor of Fine Art at Ivy Tech Community College – Bloomington. Read more about Amy and her art at amybrier.com.

Christian Briggs

Title of Talk : The power of better questions

Christian is the Co-founder of Bloomington-based, SocialLens, and a PhD Candidate in Human-Computer Interaction and Complex Systems at the Indiana University School of Informatics where his research is focused on digitally-augmented organizations and culture, media, and marketing. Christian plans to speak about “Choir: The Million Skills Project” a Kickstarter-funded project designed to digital fluency skills.

Mike Flaherty

Title of Talk : The kitchen of tomorrow-er

Mike Flaherty is a technologist, self-appointed historian and futurist, obsessed with the power of simple images & symbolic communication. As a creative communication designer, Mike seeks ways to bypass the differences we all hold dear and connect with the deeper things we forget we still have in common, such as dirty dishes and our desire to avoid doing them. Mike will be speaking about “Spinnovation,” the satirically branded construct that encapsulates the various applied mechanics of the circle.

Christian Freitag

Title of Talk : Forever and the nature of time

Christian is the Executive Director of the Sycamore Land Trust. He holds both a law degree and a PhD from Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Christian was a National Environmental Leadership Fellow from 2002-2004 and was recognized as Distinguished Hoosier by Governor Mitch Daniels in 2007.

Mary Beth Gasman

Title of Talk : Talking Justice – using words and voice to make change

Marybeth Gasman is a Professor of Higher Education in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania and serves as the Director of the Center for Minority-Serving Institutions at Penn. Her research focuses on the history of American higher education, historically black colleges and universities, minority serving institutions, African American leadership, and fundraising and philanthropy. She is a regular contributor to the Chronicle of Higher Education, The Huffington Post, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

Christy Hegarty

Title of Talk : Unconditional Love – Journey with our Transgender Child

Christy Hegarty is an artist who honed her skills in oil painting at the John Waldron Arts Center in Bloomington. Christy now lives in New Hampshire with her husband and three children. Through her own parenting experience, Christy has become an advocate for families with transgendered children.

Jeff Kline

Title of Talk : Illness has no poker face

Vice Chair for Research and Professor of Physiology with the IU School of Medicine. Jeff specializes in the study of breath-based methods to diagnose and assess the severity of pulmonary embolism in humans. He has submitted patents for 16 medical devices and cofounded BreathQuant Medical Systems Inc, to help bring these devices to the market

Jeanne Leimkuhler

Title of Talk : From trash to the runway – creative reuse

Jeanne Leimkuhler founded the Trashion Refashion Show, a fundraiser for the Center for Sustainable Living and is a co-founder of Discardia, a non-profit consignment store that sells items made from recycled materials. Jeanne is also a steering committee member for the Southern Indiana Renewable Energy Network and a board member of the Center for Sustainable Living.

Danielle McClelland

Title of Talk : Sexuality & gender – straight & narrow or round & bouncy?

Danielle is the Executive Director of the Buskirk-Chumley Theater and an adjunct lecturer in the IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Danielle helped to found and has also served as a director for the PRIDE Film Festival – an annual film festival in Bloomington, Ind. featuring LGBTQ films. She plans to speak about her belief that gender and sexual identity exist on a circular rather than linear path.

Bernice Pescosolido

Title of Talk : A community safety net to prevent rampage shootings

Bernice’s research and teaching focus on how “the social” shapes health, illness, and healing. In particular, she targets how social networks connect individuals to their communities and to institutional structures, providing the real, but invisible, wires through which people’s attitudes and actions are influenced. Her studies on stigma include the first national study of children's mental health and the first global study of 16 countries. She works closely with Glenn Close’s Bring Change 2 Mind Foundation, The Carter Center, and has also conducted work for Vice President Biden’s office.

David Quick

Title of Talk : In the ring, led by the ring, or ringing the bell

David has over 20 years of sales and marketing experience in the medical diagnostic marketplace. Prior to that he earned a BS from the United States Naval Academy, served eight years of active duty in the military including deployment during Desert Storm, and earned a MA from Loyola University Maryland. David is committed to “helping bulls thrive in china shops” by helping people who run companies: work fewer hours, be significantly more successful, and build stronger personal relationships.

Christopher Reinhart

Title of Talk : Building more than homes

Chris is the Architectural Lead for Open Source Ecology where he helps to develop low-cost building technologies. He received his architecture degree from Ball State and was selected as a Byron Fellow for sustainable community development. In 2012 Chris was picked to be a Udall Scholar, the nation’s top honor for undergraduate environmental leaders. He lives near Bloomington, Indiana, on a developing permaculture farmstead. Chris will speak on the topic of “Barnraising for the 21st Century.”

Jeremy Shere

Title of Talk : Renewable energy from a different perspective

Jeremy Shere's TEDxBloomington talk spins the tale of two great solar energy inventors ... in the 19th century. His talk explores how investigating the history of renewable energy is vital for understanding and improving the energy landscape today and in the future. An award-winner writer, editor, and producer, Jeremy Shere has more than a decade of experience producing content for print, web, radio, and television, including A Moment of Science, Sound Medicine, EarthSky, Matter Network, Reuters, and WTIU. Jeremy holds a Ph.D. in Literature and teaches writing at the IU Ernie Pyle School of Journalism. His new book, Renewable: The World-Changing Power of Alternative Energy, an in-depth look at the surprisingly long history of alternative energy sources and the best options for future sources of renewable energy, was published by St. Martin's Press in 2013.

Kathy Wills

Title of Talk : Immigration is a gift to us all

Katerina’s has co-edited three collections, including the award-winning Critical Power Tools: Technical Communication and Cultural Studies (with B. Scott and B. Longo 2006) for Best New Collection in Technical and Scientific Writing by National Council of Teachers of English. Her research and teaching areas include international writing research and the literature of diaspora. In 2013, she was invited to facilitate a workshop at the Moscow State University 16th Annual Fulbright Summer School in the Humanities in Moscow, Russia. Her TEDxBloomington talk, titled the “Gift of Immigration,” is inflected by her life as a first-generation Greek-American of immigrant refugee parents.

T. Kelly Wilson

Title of Talk : See like an artist, think like a designer, feel like a human

Kelly is an artist and an architect and currently serves as the Director of the Indiana University Center for Art and Design in Columbus. He is also a tenured associate professor in the IU Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design.

Jeff Wolin

Title of Talk : Written in Memory

Jeffrey A. Wolin is a professor of photography at Indiana University. His work, “Written in Memory: Portraits of the Holocaust,” “Inconvenient Stories: Vietnam War Veterans” and “New Faces at the Crossroads: The World in Central Indiana,” includes a unique blend of images and stories about people. Jeff plans to speak on a series of portraits he took of residents of Pigeon Hill in Bloomington in the late 80s/early 90s following the murder of a woman living there while attending graduate school at IU and again in 2010-2012 following the disappearance of IU Student Lauren Spierer and the murder of former Pigeon Hill resident, Crystal Grubb.

What is TEDx? – In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.Our event is called TEDxBloomington, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxBloomington event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.

This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED. https://www.ted.com/tedx

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C/O Humanetrix Foundation at The Mill 642 N Madison St Bloomington, IN 47404