TEDxBloomington : The Wisdom of Play


Watch all talks here

The shared experience of absurdity | Charlie Todd

Causing a scene with improv everywhere | Charlie Todd

Wisdom Plays to our Attention | Stephen Hyes

Gaming The Streets: Uncommissioned Art | Marc and Sara Schiller

Fearless Performance | Jeff Nelsen

Food Security and Resilence | Keith Johnson

Approaching autism theatrically | Stephen Volan

Why Your Bed is the Ultimate Treehouse | Debby Herbenick

The Path to Brightworks | Gever Tulley

Be a gamer | Edward Castronova

The Wonder of Wonder: Stimulating Curiosity for Children | Amy Yurko

The Dirt Between Our Toes | Sarah Elizabeth Ippel

Different does not mean less | Muffy Davis

The 2030 Class Is Arriving | Robert Scoble

Girls Rock Indy | Lindsay Manfredi

The Important Silent Secret to Connect with a Teen | Georgia Vanderville

Childhood Dreams of Heroes, My Long and Winding Road | Nolan Harrison II

Big Mystery | Arbutus Cunningham

Sound and Motion and Tiger/Martian/Businessperson | Corey Jefferson

The happy secret to better work | Shawn Achor

The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance | Shawn Achor

Sharing is Inevitable: Get Good At It | Seth Frey

How can I help? | Bryan Stuart

Our Esteemed Speakers

Debby Herbenick

Title of Talk : Why Your Bed is the Ultimate Treehouse

Dr. Debby Herbenick is the founder of MySexProfessor.com, authored Because It Feels Good: AWoman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction, serves as the Associate Director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion in the School of HPER at Indiana University (IU), and teaches at The Kinsey Institute.

Gever Tulley

Title of Talk : The Path to Brightworks

Software engineer, Gever Tulley (TED University 2007, TEDxMidwest) is co-founder of the Tinkering School, a weeklong camp where lucky kids get to play with their very own power tools. He's interested in helping kids learn how to build, solve problems, use new materials and hack old ones for new purposes. He's also a certified paragliding instructor.

Amy Yurko

Title of Talk : The Wonder of Wonder: Stimulating Curiosity for Children

Amy Yurko, AIA, is the founder of BrainSpaces. She is both a licensed architect and educator who believes in applying brain-based strategies to the design of learning environments. Over her 20+ year career, she has planned and designed meaningful places for learners throughout the country and around the world.

Charlie Todd

Title of Talk : The shared experience of absurdity

Charlie Todd is the founder of Improv Everywhere, producing, directing, performing, and documenting the group’s work for over eight years. The group carries out pranks, which they call “missions” in public places to cause scenes of “chaos and joy,” sometimes using hundreds of volunteer performers at a time.

Shawn Achor

Title of Talk : The happy secret to better work

Shawn Achor is a positive psychology researcher/instructor at Harvard University. His lectures on happiness and human potential have received attention from The New York Times, Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, CNN, and NPR. Shawn travels the world giving talks on the science behind individual happiness

Muffy Davis

Title of Talk : Different does not mean less

Muffy Davis is a World Champion disabled ski racer, having won more than 25 World Cup titles, two Overall World Cup victories and 4 Paralympic Medals, and currently one of 10 athletes worldwide invited to serve as Ambassadors for the International Paralympic Committee.

Nolan Harrison

Title of Talk : Childhood Dreams of Heroes, My Long and Winding Road

During a 10-year, 128-game NFL career, Nolan Harrison became known as a steady, consistent defensive lineman who played for the Raiders, Steelers and Redskins. Drafted in 2001 (from IU) by the Los Angeles Raiders, he took over the Defensive End position for Hall of Fame player Howie Long upon retirement.

Sarah Elizabeth Ippel

Title of Talk : The Dirt Between Our Toes

Sarah Elizabeth Ippel is the founder of the Academy for Global Citizenship, an inquiry- based, urban charter school in Chicago for elementary school children. Students become environmentally and internationally minded by learning how their choices impact their community and ultimately the world.

Marc and Sara Schiller

Title of Talk : Gaming The Streets: Uncommissioned Art

Together, Marc and Sara Schiller are Wooster Collective: a contemporary art and street art collective. Their mission is to discover and document authentic art experiences via salons, publishing, gallery shows, and of course, their website, Wooster Collective and their Wooster Collective YouTube channel.

Robert Scoble

Title of Talk : The 2030 Class Is Arriving

Robert Scoble is a well-known technology blogger/evangelist and author. Scoble is best known for his blog, Scobleizer, which came to prominence during his tenure as a technical evangelist at Microsoft. He currently works for Rackspace where he is building a community called Building 43.

Bryan Stuart

Title of Talk : How can I help?

Bryan Stuart helped create the Corps and Intern programs for One Laptop per Child (OLPC), working with government officials, teachers, and volunteers to improve access to quality education for children in some of the world’s poorest countries. Bryan’s work for OLPC has taken him to Argentina, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Peru, Rwanda, and Tanzania.

Keith Johnson

Title of Talk : Food Security and Resilence

Keith Johnson has been a commercial landscaper, stonemason and organic gardener since 1976 and has taught permaculture since 1995. Keith participates in a number of local and international activism projects including the editorial guild of the Permaculture Activist, the founding of Transition Bloomington (Indiana’s first Transition Town Initiative), board member of the Local Grower’s Guild, contributor to Bloomington’s Peak Oil Task Force, member of the Bloomington Permaculture Guild and the Bloomington Food Policy Council.

Lindsay Manfredi

Title of Talk : Girls Rock Indy

Lindsay Manfredi is one of the co-founders of Girls Rock Indianapolis, a non-profit rock n roll day camp dedicated to building positive self-esteem and encouraging creative expression through music in girls ages 9-16 within a supportive community of female peers and mentors. Lindsay also owns Linzstar Inc. a social media management company and fronts the all-girl band, Neon Love Life, recently placed on the Indianapolis Star’s Hot List 2011.

Edward Castronova

Title of Talk : Be a gamer

Edward Castronova, Professor of Telecommunications at Indiana University, is a founder of scholarly online game studies and an expert on the societies of virtual worlds. Professor Castronova teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on the design of games, the game industry, and the management of virtual societies. Outside his academic work, Castronova makes regular appearances in mainstream media, including 60 minutes, the New York Times, and The Economist.

Arbutus Cunningham

Title of Talk : Big Mystery

Arbutus Cunningham can be heard on WFHB Community Radio almost every Saturday morning where she and her co-host tell lies and talk bad about the government. She lives in the quaint village of Bloomington where, devoid of fame, glory and brucellosis, she contemplates the armigerous potential of extinct marsupials and writes truly execrable poetry, some of which was published in a chapbook (fortunately out of print), from Bad to Verse.

Jeff Nelsen

Title of Talk : Fearless Performance

Jeff Nelsen is a world-renowned horn player, educator, and performance coach. He has been teh solo hornist of the world’s most famous brass group, Canadian Brass, a member of the Montreal and Vancouver Symphonies, performed as a soloist on five continents, on Broadway, and toured with Barry Manilow and Michael Bolton. Jeff has performed in the horn sections of the New York Philharmonic, Boston, national Cincinnati, and Indianapolis Symphonies, and on numerous film soundtracks.

Stephen Volan

Title of Talk : Approaching autism theatrically

Stephen Volan was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at 37. Since 2004 he has represented approximately 14,000 constituents in one of six district seats on the nine-member Bloomington city council. Steve has been involved with “volunteer powered, listener-supported” community radio station WFHB since the station’s first year on the air and was also a founding member of the board of directors of the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival where he still acts as a venue emcee.

Corey Jefferson

Title of Talk : Sound and Motion and Tiger/Martian/Businessperson

Corey Jefferson co-founded two Bloomington-based improv comedy groups, Cletus and Virgil and The Trickle-Down Effect. Most recently, he performed in Bill and Erin: One Night Standards” for the Indy Fringe Festival and in “Why Torture is Worng, and the People Who Love Them” at Theater on the Square. Corey has been a member of the improv comedy theater ComedySportzIndianapolis, the longest running show in Indianapolis.

Seth Frey

Title of Talk : Sharing is Inevitable : Get Good At It

Seth Frey is a student of the community and cooperation on the ground, in the ivory tower and everywhere in between. He is a founder of Bloomington cooperative Living, a local member-owned housing co-op. He is an advisor to the ambitious Bloomington Cooperative Plots Eco-Village. He serves the cooperative movement nationally on the NASCO Development Services board. He is also the executive director of Littlebigbang Inc., a small project at the frontiers of charitable giving.

Jessica Quirk

Title of Talk : The case for playing dress up

Jessica Schroeder Quirk is the author of What I Wore, a personal-style and fashion-based blog, and What I Wore: Four Seasons, One Closet, Endless REcipes for Personal Style, due in bookstores this summer. A graduate of Indiana University, Jessica worked as a fashion designer in New York City from 2005-2009. She has been featured in Women’s Wear Daily, the Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, Time Out New York, Lucky Magazine, and Paper Magazine.

What is TEDx? – In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.Our event is called TEDxBloomington, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxBloomington event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.

This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED. https://www.ted.com/tedx

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C/O Humanetrix Foundation at The Mill 642 N Madison St Bloomington, IN 47404